Gold Plated BMW Drag Race

SYDNEY - Revenge can sometimes be too much. As that is what Ibrahim and Mohammed Ibrahim Bakr, two brothers from Sydney, Australia. They've got a broken BMW E46 drag race arena when bulldoze New Zealand and has been converted into a "monster jewelry"big-engined carbon fiber and the body plus gold.

Called the "monster jewelry" because two-door car is 23 carat gold coated in some parts of the body, starting from the engine, turbocharger, pipelines, buffer tires, suspension, until the wheels are sized 16 x 16 inches. Likewise cabin space, visible gold coating on the steering wheel and seats, to the coating in the area of ​​the foot.

Monster machines

The original engine was replaced with a Mazda 26B rotary engine and backed GT60 turbo. While many doubt that this car is more like an investment vehicle rather than racing, the engine was dyno tested before it is coated in gold. The results achieved 1664 horsepower.

"This car clocked 7.2 seconds in the 402-meter track with a speed of 315 km per hour," explained Ben Tubridy, Manager of Queen Street Racing, home modifications duo entrusted Ibrahim did his car. The numbers are generated when the car is certainly not modified like now.

Ben and his team then pair all the completeness of drag racing, including a parachute, a small pole on wheels so the car does not go wide, and 5-speed manual transmission fromMoTeC M800 ECU LENCO and as a controller. All of that stored in the body made ​​from carbon fiber.

Matter of cost, "ridelust" informed the $ 900 thousand for a black BMW that was nicknamed "Goldie Horn"

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