Hermes Birkin, Replica, Bag Price, The Most Expensive Handbags

In the world of fashion, Hermes is a label that presents a collection of coveted handbags fashion enthusiast. The price is sky-is considered relevant to the social status that carried the user.

However, in an auction held by Heritage Auction, the bag type Crocodile Birkin Bag from Hermes line of special collections, Shiny Rouge, managed to break the world record as the most expensive handbags are sold in a public auction. Bags are sold at a price USD203.150.

Price billions that carried Crocodile Birkin Bag it deserves. The shiny red bag measuring 30 cm made ​​of crocodile skin, with details of "hardware" lock and key in the form of 18-karat white gold and diamond.

The woman who managed to win the auction is requested anonymity. Meanwhile, the Crocodile Birkin Bag was originally owned by a wealthy woman from Florida. She bought the bag in 2006 and is considered a red bag as a "champion" of the many Hermes bags are collected.

When Hermes offered the same version with black, the woman then decided to sell these bags through the auction house. Besides Crocodile Birkin Bag, Heritage Auction also managed to auction off some other Hermes bags, all of them also with a fantastic price.

Two versions of "jumbo" Birkin in blue and red with a size of 35 cm, and the hardware of the palladium, successfully sold USD113.525 and USD96.000, and other Birkin bag measuring 30 cm from the Himalayan species, successfully sold for $ 80 .663.

"The price we got from the auction is truly remarkable, exceeding expectations," said Director of Luxury Accessories Heritage Auctions Matt Rubinger, in an interview with WWD.

Rubinger said, expectations for Heritage Auction bag is USD80.000. "This price also shows how Hermes is a label that successfully designing handbags of the most remarkable in the world," he continued.

Furthermore, Rubinger explained, Hermes accessories brand has become the most sought after and is a symbol of luxury and exclusivity. Hermes also ensures that every bag that offered special. Every creative worker is only working on one bag, and each bag takes between 18-24 hours of production time.

Birkin handbag itself is released in 1984, a tribute to the actress and singer Jane Birkin, who complained to the CEO of Hermes at the time, Jean-Louis Dumas, how hard it is to find a quality leather handbag.

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